Château Gaillard 30: Castle and Church (Goldegg, Austria, 2022)

The conference took place in the amazing “Rittersaal” of Goldegg Castle in the county of Salzburg (Austria). The aim of the conference was to explore and discuss the material traces of the relationship between castle building and church. In the Middle Ages, castle and church stood in a diverse and sometimes complex relationship: both castles and churches were regarded as material manifestations of seigniorial rights. By no means did the castles stand only for secular power, and churches for those of religious institutions, since castles could also be owned by religious persons and institutions, but equally churches by aristocrats. In addition, in the Christian Middle Ages any power was, at least in theory, also religiously authorized. For this reason, the architectural interrelationships between castles and churches are manifold. Seventy participants from 13 countries attended the conference. Excursions led to the castles of Hohenwerfen, Hohensalzburg, Mauterndorf, Finstergrün, Höch and Wagrain.

Goldegg Castle, Austria (Thomas Kühtreiber)
Conference participants at Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria (Thomas Kühtreiber)